Institutional access
Usage by unaffiliated individuals is technically constrained to protect our server against spam requests. Institutional access is unconstrained. We offer such access to universities that list us in their library or student service catalogs. By doing so, all students at your university can benefit from our statistical tools and resources. To take advantage of this opportunity, contact us at
For Librarians: How It Works
- Reach out and notify us about your wish to participate - tell us about your university's email pattern (e.g.
- Add our service to your library catalog and provide a link to our website.
- We will whitelist your university’s email domain/pattern, granting students unconstrained access to our research apps.
- The whitelisting remains active as long as the library catalog references our website.
Once whitelisted, your students can access our statistical services directly and receive analysis results via their institutional email addresses. Many universities have already joined, allowing students to bypass the paywall and use all Event Study Tools (EST) research apps for free.
For Students: How It Works
You can access our calculators, including the Abnormal Return Calculator, via the graphical user interfaces (GUIs) on our website. For example, the ARC calculator is available at
Note: Direct API access is not included in this program. API keys are individual tokens, and we cannot verify university affiliations for their users. Therefore, please use our GUIs and your institutional email address for analysis.
If you want to know whether your university has signed up, please check your library's service catalog or simply try to use one of our research apps with your university email address. If the analysis request gets rejected, your university library has not signed up with us.